Science Trip Images
Below you will find images taken during my most recent trip to Tampa, Florida with jr. high students. On this trip students learn about both fresh and salt water habitats and the health of each of them. The trip takes place during the first week after school is out each year. Contact Mr. Aitken for more information.
Travel to Florida and Orientation
On Sunday we met at LAX at 7am for a 9am flight. We first flew to Phoenix and had only 20 minutes to change planes. Since some people wanted to go to the bathroom, we arrived at the departure gate as the other passengers were already boarding. It was also lunch time but there was no time to wait in line for food at the terminal. As Southwest Airlines does not have assigned seating none of us were able to sit together. If we have to make such a quick change again I will have students bring lunches and snacks on the plane and use the restroom before we land or after we are back in the air.
Our next flight was a direct flight to Tampa International. We arrived on time to a beautiful terminal and were met by our WorldStrides Course leader next to baggage check. Our beautiful bus was waiting just outside the door. We met Kevin the bus driver who was fantastic and met the teachers and students from the other school that we were going to be spending the rest of the week with.
On the 10 minute ride the hotel we caught our first glimpse of Tampa Bay from the ground, it was immense and beautiful. We arrived at a very attractive hotel that would be our base for the next five days. Dinner of pizza, ziti, lasagna, salad and drinks was waiting for us. After we ate our course leader spoke to us about the events of the week and especially what to expect tomorrow morning. She explained when we would need to wake up, what time the bus was leaving and what we should pack in our backpacks.
The students had some time to go swimming before they had to be in their rooms at ten o’clock when the security guard came on duty. The guard would stay in the hallway till six the next morning.
Our next flight was a direct flight to Tampa International. We arrived on time to a beautiful terminal and were met by our WorldStrides Course leader next to baggage check. Our beautiful bus was waiting just outside the door. We met Kevin the bus driver who was fantastic and met the teachers and students from the other school that we were going to be spending the rest of the week with.
On the 10 minute ride the hotel we caught our first glimpse of Tampa Bay from the ground, it was immense and beautiful. We arrived at a very attractive hotel that would be our base for the next five days. Dinner of pizza, ziti, lasagna, salad and drinks was waiting for us. After we ate our course leader spoke to us about the events of the week and especially what to expect tomorrow morning. She explained when we would need to wake up, what time the bus was leaving and what we should pack in our backpacks.
The students had some time to go swimming before they had to be in their rooms at ten o’clock when the security guard came on duty. The guard would stay in the hallway till six the next morning.