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Science Class ScheduleMy science class consists of the following kinds of activities. We have tests and quizzes. We takes notes and glean information from the text book, videos, demonstration, presentation and interactive web sites. We use Thinking Maps to make sense of vocabulary words. But my favorite, are the experiments. These are the experience that students will remember for a long time. I plan these activities to maximize the student's understanding of the content we are covering.
In 7th grade, students will examine light, learn about microscopes, dissect flowers, use chemistry to test for the presence of carbon dioxide, use jelly beans to learn about the classification system, run until they are tired to examine the reaction of the circulatory system to exercise, dissect chicken wings to learn about human anatomy and maybe even dissect a sheep or cow heart. Seventh grade science is an introduction to high school and college biology. All of what the students learn will be repeated in both high school and college courses. This class is so real, the students are walking laboratories. |