![]() I am reminded of the famous line from "Fiddler On The Roof" and the song, "If I Were A Rich Man". I suppose I am a lot like him in his wishes. He wished for a big house with one long staircase going up and a "and an even longer one coming down". He wished for free time to do what he wanted instead of work or go to school. He wanted to provide good things for his family so they would be happy and not worry. Of course I would invest some so that my family would be taken care of for the rest of their lives. There are other people I would help, people we know, people who need help, people who deserve a helping hand to get going, people who will later help others. Since I don't know anyone who is rich I don't know what these kind of people are like. Oh, sure, I recognize some rich people who help others with their money but I don't know them. This is a little hard for me to imagine because I would not want to hoard the money, I would not want to sit on all my riches and keep it all for myself. There are some amazing places that I would want to take my family too. Beautiful places and historical places. Places like Rome, London, Paris, Beijing. Other places like the Grand Canyon, the Andes, the Himalayas, the savannas of east Africa. What would you do with your money if you were rich?
David Herrera
7/3/2012 01:59:37 am
i would get a big house and games and stuff, then i would buy a lot of food because we need food. I would also take care of my family like my mom, brother, sister, and my cousins.
7/3/2012 02:00:17 am
I would first put money into my parents bank account, because I need to just them something for raising my siblings and I. Then, I would add some money to my siblings bank account so they would not have to worry about money for college. After, I would buy my grandparents and parents a new car, because they NEED a better one. Next, I would hire someone to remodel my house and backyard to the way my mother wants it to be.
sydney zhang
7/3/2012 02:02:03 am
If I was rich i would donate half of my money to charity and i would save the rest
7/3/2012 02:02:48 am
If I was rich I would send a part of the money to my parents because i know that it could be useful. I would also give some to the hospital because some people that need surgery cant pay for it.
Nathan Ta
7/3/2012 02:03:25 am
If I was rich i would give money to the poor if they really needed it and i would also put some of the money to my college fund and the rest of the money will go to charity and finding cures for diseases
Joey Siu
7/3/2012 02:03:32 am
I would buy a lot of sports car a a house with many garages to put the cars in. I would buy a Lamborghini or maybe a Bugatti.
Brandon Shinyama
7/3/2012 02:03:37 am
If I was rich iI would get a mansion. And a indoor pool in my mansion. I would get a basketball court in my mansion. I would use it for college.
Alison Wang
7/3/2012 02:04:23 am
If I was rich I would invest, save, spend, and donate. That way I won't lose money. And then if I have even more money, I might take my family around the world!
Nicholas Lee
7/3/2012 02:04:33 am
I would not spend a single penny on myself. I would just give up money to charity.
Andrew Hom
7/3/2012 02:05:03 am
If I were rich, I would get all those video games I want. Then I could get a fire pit at my house or something like that. Then after I got what I wanted and I have some extra money, I can just give it to the poor and orphanages and stuff.
7/3/2012 02:05:34 am
I would buy a HUGE house and give wealth to my family.
Garrett Chung
7/3/2012 02:05:58 am
I would see what I could buy and then see if I want to buy it or not. Have to think about the price too.
Logan Tanaka
7/3/2012 02:06:59 am
I would help people with cancer. Buy video games. Buy toys for kids that don't in Africa. Buy food.
Sean Tat
7/3/2012 02:07:46 am
If I were rich,I would spend it on a PlayStation3 and save the rest of the money for the future or for my college.
Grace Guan
7/3/2012 02:07:53 am
There are some amazing places that I would want to
Ting Hung
7/3/2012 02:08:11 am
if i was rich i were help people . i were go places with my family and go on ship. and give some money to poor people.
7/3/2012 02:08:33 am
If I was rich i would spent it on my family and little for my self to shop for more cloths but.. mostly on my family
7/3/2012 02:09:45 am
if i was rich i would stock up on junk food, give money to the poor and get a cell phone
Ariana Pinedo
7/3/2012 02:10:30 am
What I would do is to use it wisely. First, I would put some and/or most in my bank account for college. Second, I would give some of the money to my parents and little brothers. Third, I would give some and/or most to one or to many charities. Fourth, I would give some money to people in my family. Lastly, I would keep some of the money for myself. :)
Anthony Montes
7/3/2012 02:13:10 am
Well, if I was rich I would buy a good TV for my mom so we don't have to keep buying more. Also I might keep the money for a good phone to use.
Justin lee
7/3/2012 02:14:40 am
If I was rich I would like to take my family to extraordinary vacations.
Matthew Mayemura
7/3/2012 02:17:18 am
if I was rich I would give some of the money to my family then I would take my family on a cruse.
Ryan Chau
7/3/2012 03:51:14 am
If I was rich I would donate a few thousand dollars to charities, buy all the toys I want, buy a vacation home, and for people's birthdays I'll give them a thousand dollars.
Erica Yu
7/3/2012 03:51:24 am
I would keep enough to freely and the rest will go to charity and other people that are less fortunate, and poor.
kevin lam
7/3/2012 03:51:40 am
If I had that much money i would spend it on b ball gear and video games.
Marvin Chau
7/3/2012 03:52:09 am
If i had a lot of gold, I would buy a big house in Hawaii and ask all of my close relatives to come and live with me.
Anthony Becerra
7/3/2012 03:55:58 am
If I was rich, I would buy a whole bunch of stuff. I would by new video games and shoes. Buy some flatscreen tvs and new phones. That is what i would do if i was rich.
Helen Luu
7/3/2012 04:22:38 am
If I was rich,I would donate money money to the poor people,humane society,and hospitals,too.Also,I would share the money with my family members and we would buy all kinds of stuff.Plus,I'd save some money for college.
7/3/2012 04:22:55 am
if I was rich I would buy my family their dream house, they also need some wealth. So I'm gonna give them some.
Matthew Chan
7/3/2012 04:23:29 am
I would buy my own private island, and my own plane. I would give to the poor so i dont have to pay taxes, and buy myself a HLBC Kaw game account
7/3/2012 04:24:25 am
i would give one quater to the poor and then bye a ipad, cellphone, bye a pizza and treats then have a movie marthon and go to paris and hawaii
alex martinez
7/3/2012 04:24:47 am
if i had a had a boat load of money i would buy some yugioh cards to make my blackwing deck complete and better and the money that is left over will go to buy a huge house
Wesley Wong
7/3/2012 04:24:55 am
I would take the money and buy a mansion,cruise,and a private jet.I would also give money to my family.
Andrew paulino
7/3/2012 04:25:38 am
If I was rich I would use half for personal use and the other half,for my family and donate to charity!
Kevin wong
7/3/2012 04:25:46 am
If I was rich I would give halve of my money to the poor then sue oprah winfrey and get more money then buy a Buggatii veyron and a F40 fiorano with a estate
sebastian chen
7/3/2012 04:26:00 am
if i were rich i would buy pants that every time i reach in my pocket out comes $100,000,00 and i would share
Daniel Ip
7/3/2012 04:26:35 am
The first thing that I would do is to invest my money in very successful companies by buying their stocks. Also, I'll give about a few ten thousand dollars to the poor.
Peter Khant
7/3/2012 04:29:18 am
If I was rich, I would like to do lots of things for myself and my family, and the world. I would first want a successful life for myself, so I could help others again with my money. I would buy a exclusive house with palatial surroundings and money for college for me and my sister. Later I would set many charity foundations for diseases, animals, poor families,single mothers, and money to support recycling and going green. One person can change the world, and then others can join him. Let peace shall be forever be on Earth.
Benson Wan
7/3/2012 04:30:50 am
i would save up and spend it wisely.
•Zachary Norman•
7/3/2012 04:31:22 am
If I were rich, I would first give money to my parents so they will be set for the rest of their lives. They will have a good retirement home and have lots of money for anything. Then, I would keep a lot for myself and my brother, then I would donate the rest to charity.
Asia Gluski (:
7/3/2012 04:36:16 am
Raymond Lee
7/3/2012 04:36:42 am
I would buy a lot of yugioh cards if I had a lot of money.
3/6/2014 02:25:58 am
me too
Darin Pinedo
7/3/2012 04:56:54 am
If i was rich i would put a quarter of it in my bank account give the other quarter to the poor and use the rest to buy an iPad and other electronicks
chai hongsoong ^_^
7/5/2012 02:17:50 am
If were rich i would give my money to different families in Africa so they don't need to live there life in sadness and without hope.:)
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